Friday, June 09, 2006

The Last Beginning

Hello boys and girls...

It is again time for another fun-filled year of college. Depending on one's point of view, it can be sad or exhilirating. Sad because summer and the endless beach hopping is finally over, and exhilirating because friends who have not been seen for months will again be found. For me, it is neither. Because it is hopefully my last year, I feel very anxious. Yes boys and girls, anxious. Why you may ask? Well for starters, we're gonna be handled by one of the most feared professors in our course. And its not gonna be one subject, but two. Also, our recurring nightmare of an economics professor, who by the way has consistently given me grades not higher than 2, is back in action.

For those of you who don't know, I'm sort of in the running for magna cum laude this year. And for those of you who might have an idea of the situation I am in right now, that title seems to drift further and further away from my grasp as the academic year draws frightfully near its beginning. Those two professors that I have just mentioned have in their power to lower my grades to an extent that I may barely get a cum laude. Its that scary.

Very few have been able to pass, yet much fewer have been able to get even a semblance of a high grade. As for me... well... we just have to find out don't we?

For now, I tremble and sweat in my sleep. For now, I dread the coming of the new semester. But with usual David fashion, I'll just hike my shoulders and trudge on...

So until the day finally comes to meet the architects of my doom...

I'll just lay down and enjoy what little time for sleep I have left...

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