Wednesday, October 07, 2009

2 years?

Wow... That's the only thing I can say about this. 2 years of not posting anything. ANYTHING! Wow...

Hello boys and girls. Miss me much? No? Oh well. Not really surprised.

What have I been doing? Oh, nothing much. And by that I mean A LOT. Where to start... where to start... Oh, check out the song! (the previous post)

It's one part of it really, what's bugging me lately. I don't know how else to put it. But I digress...

Where was I? Oh, the part where I tell you what I was up to these last two years. 2 Years! Well, to start, I have a son. He's almost 10 months old now. He's big unlike me, has round eyes like his mom, and smart! Oh, how I dream that he gets all the smarts his genes have to offer.

Not married yet, just in case you're wondering. When to have the wedding? I'm not really certain on the date. It has to be within the year though. Why? Well, that's a secret.

What else... hmmm.....

I am a teacher right now. What? Me? Teacher? WHAT?!

Yes. I teach English, believe it or not, to unsuspecting European students who would never think that I'm actually a Business and Economics major. Well, almost everybody I know (save a couple) have professions or specializations quite unlike what they do now.

I moonlight as a pseudo-manager for a local band on weekends. What's the band's name? Nyctinasty. What? Nyctinasty. Again?! N-Y-C-T-I-N-A-S-T-Y (this happens more often than I would like, believe me) If you're curious, check out

(My fingers are getting tired right now courtesy of the many lesson reports I have (and will have to) write/written so I'll take a break. If I remember, I'll continue this but if I don't, then, you know me...)

My Latest diatribe

-The Madness-

Looking at you
through the smoke and the bottle
I know that you
never would think that I think of you
more than someone
who is just there to listen
I die from
the pain of just keeping it hidden

Tell me: what should I do to not think of you?
when you're all I see, all the time,
Tell me: what could I say to push you away?
from this heart of mine that is yours alone,

Forgive me
If my glances stay for too long
Forgive me
If I suddenly break out into song
I am enamored
I am entranced

Tell me
Tell me
Tell me

Tell me: what should I do to not think of you?
when you're all I see, all the time,
Tell me: what could I say to push you away?
from this heart of mine that is yours alone,

Tell me: what could I say? Should I go? Should I stay?
In this heart of mine you are not alone,

(this madness is eating away at me now
burgeoning, threatening to claw it's way out)
