Thursday, December 14, 2006


Its been a long time since I've shared my poetry online...This one's from a while back, kaya medyo galit ang tone... anyways, here goes... ^__^

I am destroyed
I am unmade
I am broken
I am consumed
You have destroyed me
You have me unmade
You have me broken
You have consumed me
I gave you my love
I gave you my all
You gave me your love
Then took it all
My spirit is broken
There is nothing left
My soul has become hollow
You took it all
Destroy me
Unmake me
Break me
Consume me
You have done it
Only you
I gave you my life
I gave it all
Now I have nothing
You took it all

And you broke my heart

August 28, 2006
9:14 PM

All I want for Christmas...

Our barkada christmas party is coming up, and with tradition, we've been asked to list the things we wished to get this christmas... I listed a portable mp3 player and an external hard drive...

But right now, I could care less if I got nothing...

If only I could give what I need to give the most... and honestly, I have no idea how to provide for it...

They say that life is the best gift that anyone can give. They say that its the greatest blessing. But what if I can't even give that? What good am I?

I pray to God for some guidance...'cuz I really have no idea on what to do...

Friday, November 03, 2006

and then there was..... absolutely nothing...

so here I am again, boys and girls...

I've been absent for a while... I haven't been up to writing anything for the past weeks really... I've been content just reading stuff from other people's blogs, and its actually quite a lot of fun...

But I miss writing. I've always fancied myself as a person who has a good way with words. But sometimes, I just lose it. I absolutely run out of things to say.

I feel its a good thing though, because its when I truly shut up is the time that I can really connect with people. Because I get to listen to them. Really listen to them. I quite fancy it actually. ^__^

And then there's reading... I love it as much as I love writing. And when I read something that really touches me, I feel profound happiness. I don't know why, but that's how it is...

Why am I even saying this? I really have no idea... I just feel like saying it... and sometimes, when you have nothing really intelligent to say, just say what you feel...

well, that's it for now... until I find my words again...

ciao. ^_^

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The price of glory...

I have a bad cold... my nose looks like a strawberry... and it drips liquid like a broken faucet... T_T

But I'm happy... ^_^

We won the 1st Entrepreyouth Challenge last Friday, and I attended the first day of the series of seminars as one of the Top 25 Marketing Management Trainees 2006-2007.

I think the stress and the fatigue finally caught up... anyways, I'm takin meds, but I think what I really need is a nice big hug...

Dream on I say...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Top 25

If you didn't know, I recently joined the search for the Top 25 Marketing Management Trainees of 2006, sponsored by the MarkProf Foundation. Out of 800 applicants this year, it was whittled down to around 190 students, who all attended the 2nd phase screening last Saturday, September 16. I was one of those 190 students. And that number has now been reduced to 50.

The remaining 50 will undergo a 3rd screening process this Saturday to determine who will be the final 25 Trainees.

Well guess what? I'm in the final 50... and I'm gonna be at the Asia Pacific College this Saturday to duke it out with the country's best marketing students in the bid to become one of the Top 25 Marketing Management Trainees of the Year.

Dear me...what the f***ing hell have I gotten myself into?

I just hope I don't make an ass out of myself on Saturday...Well... wish me luck...

Friday, September 22, 2006

Head Pains part 2

Well what do you know, the headaches are still persistent... I thought that with the culmination of our ardous journey through Finance was the end of it. But no, the headaches are still here. The worst part? It manifests at the oddest times. Like today, we were eating lunch when my head suddenly started hurting. And then just after I get home, it starts hurting. And even right now, the right side of my forehead, just above the eye is hurting like hell.

I think I need new glasses. T__T

Or maybe a loooooooooooooooong vacation.

Head Pains

I have this bad head ache... I got it after making the financial projections for our entry to this contest that my school mates are joining. I usually finish this kind of thing for about two weeks, but I did this one in a day (3 and a half hours in fact). I feel drained. I just want to lay down and sleep, but I still have to send the entry through e-mail.

So here I am...

Wish us luck...

Sep 18, '06 6:43 PM

Saturday, August 12, 2006

schooling yourself...

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but school feels a bit sucky right now...

I just had one of my worst experiences in the whole of my academic
life, and the easiest exam I've ever taken happen in the same day.
After staying up all night working on a business plan for my finance
class, we bombed. The team got cut off midway, in one of my most
humiliating presentations ever. What made it worse was the fact that
the "best" presentation was a reconstructed copy of a model that I
helped create last summer. (thieves I say...)

But enough of this ranting... Its a good thing that we had a very,
very, very easy exam in the afternoon. It was one of the only two good
things about today. The other good thing? Well, that's my little
secret.. ^__^

It doesn't make school easier though... Its still tough. How tough?

We still have to see...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Hi there boys and girls...

Miss me much? Well, I miss myself too... It's been a while isn't it? I've been so busy lately, and so very preoccupied. I don't want to even bother talking about it.

I'm at work right now (encoder at a law firm), but its downtime so I guess that's why I'm able to write right now. So, where do I start? Oh, its exam week this week, and I have yet to review my notes, much less start researching for my midterm paper. Well I have, but its really not enough.

So right now I'm stuck at the conceptualization stage. I've got a paper on the relationship of wages and education in the Philippine setting in my Labor Economics theory class; Collaborative Strategies, Open-Sourcing, and Decomponentation in my Business Policy Class; and a business model of our own school for my Business Finance class. All of these to be passed sometime at the end of the week. Sound bullish? Not quite enough.

I'd like to give a big CONGRATULATIONS to Katia for being on the way to fulfilling her life-long dream. I'm so happy for you. Really, I am. I just wish that I'd be as lucky as you. Also to Erick, for taking the steps to fulfill his as well (you know what I mean ^_^). And to Kristine, for striving to become the doctor that she dreams to be.

As for me... well... I'm still a bit lost.

Very lost...

Its like I'm swimming in a sea of uncertainty. Not knowing what to expect at every turn, groping in the dark as I trudge along this fragile existence.

I try so hard not to show to anyone how hard I'm struggling. I always try to be the one who has it all together. But inside, its like I'm dying, slowly giving in to the darkness that threatens to consume me.

I'm scared of the possibilty that I might just give up and throw this all away. And for what? So that I can be free. Free of all the weight of the responsibility being the one to make it better for all of us. When I know that if I even attempt such a thing, I'd go under just like the lot of them. They'd just pull me down with them in their sinking boat. And I'd become more miserable. Miserable just like them.

I know I'm not making sense right now. But for those who know me, they would understand.

If only I had someone to hold me up. But you're so far away. And I cannot burden you because you have your own dreams to pursue. And I understand.

But I just need someone to help me get through this... even just for a little while...

Oh well, I guess I've said enough for now...

Untill next time then...


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I'm sorry...

I guess that's about all I can say...

I'm a mess... I mean, really... Do you ever get that feeling when one day it's all perfect, and then out of nowhere everything suddenly falls apart? And then you get trapped in a predicament so totally out of control that you just want to hide under your bed and stay there until the earth swallows you up.

That's kind of what I'm feeling right now.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am sorry for my inadequacies... I am sorry for my inability to fulfill the promises that I meant to keep... I am sorry for my failure to accomplish the things I set out to do... I'll get there... but I'm sorry because I have to keep the people involved waiting...

All my life, I've always been the victim... as selfish as it may seem... I kinda want to be the villain for a while...

oh bruised heart, how selfish you have become...oh battered soul, where is your spirit now?

Friday, June 23, 2006

On loneliness...

I’ve been quite the busy person lately. I’ve been catching up with old friends, making some new ones, busying myself with school responsibilities, etc. I’ve also tried to start writing again, which unfortunately becomes increasingly difficult for me.

But with all the stuff that has been going on, there is one important thing that I cannot shake off. Its one thing to be bored, but it’s another thing to be lonely. I am mentioning this because there are times, when I am alone in my room, sometimes with my guitar, when I find myself experiencing unspeakable loneliness.

It is scary because the feeling is so overwhelming. It is scary because I cannot escape it. It is scary because it feels so absolute, like it can swallow me whole and destroy my very being. I hate it when I am reminded of how empty and hollow my heart really is; of how I have reduced my feelings to logical analyses and not as feeling to be really felt and not to be analyzed and dissected like a logician’s argumentative toy.

My soul is weeping because of the realization that maybe, I cannot really feel anything. Maybe I don’t really know how to love. Maybe I’ve become so much of a dreamer that I have reduced the ______ feeling of love into an idea so removed from my mind, so utterly abstracted by my overzealous brain that it has lost its entire meaning for me.

Is it my fault finally because I dream too much? Will I never be satisfied? Will I never be really, truly happy? How can I know?

I don’t think I ever felt true happiness before.

last night...a diatribe...

And so he strikes again: boasting about his so called toughness and declaring the root cause of every suffering that we experience, demanding audience with the tormentor, bringing nothing but a piece of wood. Like the cavemen of old, banging on the skulls of their enemies as they continue to become more and more inebriated. What have you brought back with you? What have you gained in the mountains? Have you become as primitive as the people you have lived with for so short a time?

It is the curse of simplicity. When problems get too complicated, the simple man turns to simple means, not understanding the complexity of the consequence of his actions. And what of the people who get affected? What of the people who cannot do anything but stand and watch as the cavemen bare their testicles and brandish their wooden clubs? Maybe this is the cause of all violence. When a man becomes threatened, he turns to the only thing he can: his balls, and his wooden club.

How many times have I seen it? The uncontrollable wrath of the drunkard is as dangerous as swimming wounded in the sea with sharks. He cannot understand anything else aside from his instinct. Confrontation is his only option because he cannot solve the real problems. He can only be the simpleton again. He is powerless and he knows it. Yet his pride gets the better of him. Drink fool. Drink the potion of our doom. For it is not you alone that you are damning with your foolishness. You are damning us all.

Death is the end of all fear.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Recognition Day

Hello there boys and girls....

Finally, the first day of classes has arrived. And keeping with Kalayaan College tradition, we had our annual recognition day and freshman orientation. For the first time in 4 years, I was asked to give the student response in front of the student body and the freshmen. I just want to share with you the speech that I did yesterday. I hope you like it.

Fellow students, beloved officers, members of faculty and staff, and all those present today, a good morning to you all. When I received the call last Friday that I was to speak before you today, I thought to myself, "What in the world am I going to say to these people?" I sat on my bed and stared off into space and nothing was coming out. So I thought about what it is that makes this year so special to me. What makes it different from all the other years that I have been in this place? And I remembered. I remembered that if all goes well, my friends and I will be graduating at the end of this academic year. So what?

So what, when thousands of other students will be graduating at the end of this year? When many will be receiving awards until they are neck deep in it? When many thousands still will not even get a job at the end of it all? Now we get to a poit when we ask, "What is the point?" Why do we continue on this arduous journey called college? What are you, the ones that are just beginning their journey, getting yourselves into? Why do those who still have a year or two left keep continuing to struggle to get to their final years and graduate? Why do we all strive to finish something that does not even guarantee our futures?

The answer my friends, is simple. So simple that it borders on the ridiculous. The answer is that all of us, no matter how we deny it, want to make something of ourselves. That by entering into the halls of higher learning, we hope that we do learn something, enough to be used for the betterment of our lives. But more importantly, we do this because we believe. We believe that if we enter these hallowed grounds, guarantee or no, we will gain something of value. And it doesn't matter if we learn it inside the classroom or outside of it, whether we learn it from our professors, or our friends, or even our enemies. What matters is that we are not imprisoned in the mediocrity that will result in us not even attempting to receive what they so fondly call "higher education."

And I believe this to be true. I believe this in my heart. And whether or not you believe in it as I do, this is the truth that I have found in myself since I first entered this very place. But don't take my word for it. Find your own truths. Find your own foundations for what you believe is true. For as Goethe said, "
The first and last thing required of genius is truth." And we don't all have to become geniuses but if we are on the path of truth, the we are at least, going in the right direction.

And now I shall do as others before me have done, and many others after me will. I welcome you to this place that we have grown to know and love. Welcome to another year at Kalayaan College. Thank you and good morning.

Friday, June 09, 2006

The Last Beginning

Hello boys and girls...

It is again time for another fun-filled year of college. Depending on one's point of view, it can be sad or exhilirating. Sad because summer and the endless beach hopping is finally over, and exhilirating because friends who have not been seen for months will again be found. For me, it is neither. Because it is hopefully my last year, I feel very anxious. Yes boys and girls, anxious. Why you may ask? Well for starters, we're gonna be handled by one of the most feared professors in our course. And its not gonna be one subject, but two. Also, our recurring nightmare of an economics professor, who by the way has consistently given me grades not higher than 2, is back in action.

For those of you who don't know, I'm sort of in the running for magna cum laude this year. And for those of you who might have an idea of the situation I am in right now, that title seems to drift further and further away from my grasp as the academic year draws frightfully near its beginning. Those two professors that I have just mentioned have in their power to lower my grades to an extent that I may barely get a cum laude. Its that scary.

Very few have been able to pass, yet much fewer have been able to get even a semblance of a high grade. As for me... well... we just have to find out don't we?

For now, I tremble and sweat in my sleep. For now, I dread the coming of the new semester. But with usual David fashion, I'll just hike my shoulders and trudge on...

So until the day finally comes to meet the architects of my doom...

I'll just lay down and enjoy what little time for sleep I have left...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

For my sister...

Happy Birthday sis... love you... for real... I can't really say it to your face, but there you go...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Singing with your heart...

Hello here boys and girls...

Yesterday, me and my classmates went to the Nazareth Home for Single Mothers. We went there for our CWTS class and it was the second to the last activity that we did for the summer. It was also the most meaningful one that we did. For me anyways...

The day started off pretty dull. We went to the assigned meeting place at 8am and went to fetch the "single mothers" so that we could go on a mini road trip. It was what our professor suggested that we do because most of the clients of the home don't get the chance to go out much. It didn't seem like a worthwhile idea at the time, but we did it anyway.

Our first stop was our school, and as usual nobody was there except the guard and the custodian. The school nurse was also there, apparently waiting for us so that she could join the trip and document it. I became a sort of spokesperson for our class, and I welcomed them to the college, apologizing that because it was too early, we couldn't bring them inside the mall. I suggested that we go to the riverside park instead, but the professor did not agree because the drivers of the vehicles that we rented were "in a hurry."

So thus ended our trip to the school. Then off we went and rode around Katipunan Avenue and I told them where the different other schools were. Then we went to our last destination, which was UP Diliman. We stopped at the Oblation, I gave them little bits of trivia and history about the place, and then we walked to the lagoon. It was supposed to be just a simple walk to see the sights. But oh what a sight it was! The guy who went up Mt. Everest, the Garduza guy, was there. He was doing a photo shoot/interview for GMA 7. And the moms were thrilled! We even had our pictures taken together with the guy and some even had asked for autographs.

I was thrilled, not because of seeing the "mountain man", but because of the looks on the faces of the girls as they had their pictures taken with a celebrity. They seemed really happy. It actually made me feel that the road trip had served its purpose in entertaining the clients of the Nazareth Home. Its not everyday you get to meet a guy who's climbed Mt. Everest, rarer still meeting only the third Filipino to accomplish the feat.

Then we returned to the Home for a short programme, where I was due to play some music for the single moms. Before we did that, the social worker decided to give us a bit of a tour of the place. Our first stop was the office. It was then that she discussed in detail the situation of the single mothers in the Home. Young and old, they came and went. The abandoned, the rape victims, the runaways, they all came to the Nazareth Home. They were of all ages, from the very young to the older ones. The youngest was 13 years old, raped by her own father and left at the home by her own mother, the oldest was 33, blind and raped by an unknown assailant. Most of them raped, or left by their boyfriends only to be turned away by their families, shocked to find the unbearable truth.

I was in pain. When I learned about the things that they went through, what was in store for them, how they endured what they endured, I felt small. I wanted to cry.

I couldn't focus on anything else after that. We went on with the tour, but I wasn't listening anymore. All I could think about was the sadness that they must have endured and are enduring, despite the smiles on their young and innocent faces. I was so distracted that I couldn't play the songs properly, resulting in an almost horrendous group song. When it was the girls' turn to perform, I felt guilty that we had given them such a crass performance. It was then that a classmate of mine suggested to me that I should play again, just to give them something worthy of their time. So I did.

I went forward, guitar in hand, trembling with nerves, and told them what I was going to play. It was a song that I have never played in front of anyone before. It was a song that I wrote. I told them that it was a song of love, and of hope. And before I played, I told them that even if there was nothing else, it is important to always have hope.

I played and sang with all my heart.

I sang for the hope that maybe my song would, even for a short while, make them have hope again. And you know what? I think it did.

I still cannot forget the looks on their faces after that. It was like for one moment, all of us were connected in one fervent prayer that their children, born or yet unborn, would have better futures than themselves.

The trip made me realize how really lucky I still am. How lucky we all are, that no matter what has happened to us in the past, we do not have to endure such pain.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Headaches? Heartaches?

I don't know what's wrong with me these days. I have this recurring headache every afternoon. Maybe its the heat. I don't know, I'm not sure. And then its the restlessness that I can't shake off. Its like I have a constant urge to do something, but I can't quite figure out what it is I'm supposed to do. Maybe its the lack of a proper vacation that's doing this to me. Or worse, it could be the side effects of loneliness that's only hitting me full force right now.

Whatever it is, its not doing me any good.

All I know is that I'm bored out of my wits right now. I think its some sort of "calm before the storm" thing. Its my graduating year, and I know its gonna be hell. But I really don't give a rat's ass right now. All I want to do is get a job and earn something for printing and guitar stuff.

Oh well... I'm sure there's something 'round the corner...

There always is...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

love love love...

I'm in love... for better or for worse...


Remember Romeo when he killed Juliet's cousin? Remember what he said...


finally finished

bon jour mes amis...

so now its finished... the hassle, the pressure, the forced sleepless nights finishing business plans and financial statements... its done!

we've lived through it, and I tell you, it wasn't easy...

I'm just glad this is through... unfortunately, summer is also over... I guess we'll just save the vacation for next summer... oh wait, there's no more next summer... we're gonna graduate this March... uh oh... oh well...

And oh yeah, I made a promise to someone that I'd stop smoking... I will you know... you'll see...

I also made another promise... I won't have my hair cut until graduation... just to remind me that I have to strive hard to get magna cum laude... if not... all of it goes off... bald...

Talk about all or nothing... what the hell have I gotten myself into?

like I said... oh well...

until next time...

Monday, May 22, 2006

The big day

hello there boys and girls...

It is now less than 24 hours before we present our marketing plan.

I don't admit it to anyone in our group, but I'm really nervous and scared at the prospect of presenting what "we" made to the officers of our college. One, because most of it is made by me. Two, because the presentation is divided among the group, and some of them have no idea what to do. Three, because if they don't like it, I am mostly responsible.

I don't like this feeling at all. I'm usually confident about the things that I have made. But this one is the worst. I don't really "feel" it. Its like the whole thing is just one big nightmare waiting to happen...

I've been so stressed about this thing, and now that its almost over, it seems like the stress has tripled. I even lost my appetite (which is saying a lot) and a LOT of sleep. I have this headache that doesn't seem to want to go away. I smoke about 5 times a day. I haven't bonded with my friends as much as I wanted, and I've negelected a lot of things.

I just hope that nothing disastrous will happen tomorrow...

If only there was something to keep me grounded and not so wired... If only I wasn't so lonely all the friggin' time...


Wednesday, May 17, 2006



now what do we do? The plan is out in the open... it was supposed to be under wraps! so what the hell is the stupid marketing plan for? what the hell are we gonna do if the officers already know what we're going to present? now I have to rethink everything... EVERYTHING!


glory-seeking, good-for-nothing son of a female dog...

curse you....


nobody listens... nobody cares...

I hate always being the one to carry the load... I'm not superman... even if you think I am... I'm only human...

Less than a week until crunch time... what am I to do? I'm wracking my brains out... but still nothing comes out... this is hopeless... I need some help...

Why does it have to happen when I have no one to give me support? Why now, when I am utterly, and completely alone...

nobody listens... they don't want to care... because caring would mean sharing the burden... and the burden is just too great...

listen to me... I need you...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

a stab at writing...

-3:21 PM
-May 13, 2006
“Inside the Gateway”

There was a time when my dad, my sister, and I used to walk around Cubao during the weekends just to pass the time. I remember that my feet always got sore when we got home because of all the walking that we did. The thing is, we almost always never bought anything. We just looked around and daydreamed together about the things that we would get to buy when we got rich.
We used to scour the malls, window shopping, and just mingling with the weekend crowd. We would laugh at the funny looking people. We would stand in front of store windows, imagining we were going to buy the things inside. We had loads of fun. And when we got too hungry, or too tired, we would go home.
It’s funny how things change and not change as time goes by. I never really got the walking out of my system. We’re still not rich. But now, almost always, I walk alone. Ten years later, I’m still walking, daydreaming, window shopping, and people watching in Cubao. Even after I had a girlfriend, when one would expect me to do away with such a lonely exercise, I find myself now and then just needing some time to walk alone. And ever the onlooker, I would sit in crowded food courts and watch the people spend their good earned money on food, and ridiculously expensive clothing, while thinking of things to write. Actually, I do that a lot now too, thinking.
Sometimes I even think that I think too much and think to myself that I should just stop all this thinking and continue on with my long walks. But when I walk, then I would just think some more, and it would then defeat the whole purpose of me taking a walk so that I wouldn’t think too much.
So I write. I write about the stuff that I would never dare to say out loud. I write about the things that move me. I write about the secret things that I really want to say, but have no idea how. I write because I don’t know what else to do. And for all the thinking that I go through, it seems that I always find myself not really knowing what to do.
The other night, I was out buying myself some dinner, when I saw this very dirty and very malnourished child. And while I was debating to myself whether or not to buy him some food, he just sat there, looking at me as if pleading but neither having the words nor the courage to say it out loud. I didn’t know if I should have helped him out or not. But just as I finally decided that I would talk to him and ask him if he wanted anything, he stood up and walked away.
It seems that happens a lot to me nowadays. I hesitate on doing something, think about it too much, and finally when I do decide to act on what I was thinking about, the moment has passed. They always, just simply, walk away….

Sunday, May 14, 2006

busy busy busy

hello again boys and girls...

its been a while... and I've been quite stressed lately. If you're making a marketing plan for a whole college trying to reposition itself, you would be. And that's exactly what I've been doing lately. The thing is, this marketing plan, complete with a market study, financial analysis, etc., is half of the basis of my grade for this summer.

What did I just say?

We're doing this marketing plan for the school as a class project...


Tell me about it...

Add to that to the fact that we just started our community service practicum for my other class... my summer is pretty much.. well... stocked...

I still sleep at 3am, and I wake up at quarter to 7... I haven't really enjoyed the summer yet, and now there's a storm... My love life's a wreck... I am financially unstable...

Ain't life just grand?

Okay, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to rattle off like that... I just sorta had to let it out... Just so it won't dam up inside me...

I wrote something yesterday, but its in my notebook and I can't seem to find it... When I do though, I'd like to share it with you...

So until then...


Monday, May 08, 2006


what does one do
when something
that has always been there
is gone
not by chance
but by choice
the mother giving up a child
the father giving up a wife
a son giving up on life
what else is left
but numbing pain

the paradox

what you can't stand
you can't live without


Friday, May 05, 2006

oh stupid...

hello there boys and girls...

you're probably wondering why this entry is titled this way... well... it just is...

I don't know if any of you are familiar with the option in many Nokia phones to "delete sent items"... well... be very cautious! because near that option is the "delete all messages" thingy...

want to conjenture? guess what...

yes, you guessed correctly.....................

...................I just happened to click on the "delete ALL messages" option... T____T

like the title said...


My initial reaction was... shock... then panic... then despair...

then my brain went blank... I was with my best friend at that time... so he saw the whole thing happen... all I can say right now is...


I can't even explain why such a thing saddens me so much... I like to keep things... even the little unimportant, unexplainably banal, useless things... and i LOST ALL MY MESSAGES???!!!!???



Monday, May 01, 2006

the end

hello there boys and girls... nice day isn't it? its reaaaaally hot and stuffy... and its sooooo boring...

well, one thing happened today... my ex and I were able to talk about our relationship that just ended...

its basically one of the scarce moments that we actually talk about things concerning our relationship... and its ironic that we were able to talk about it only now, when it is over... but, at least we made things clear... and I believe that we are both the better for it...

we talked about stuff that worked, and stuff that didn't... why we really broke up, and what caused it... there weren't any hard feelings or admonitions on both our parts... and that was good... basically, we sort of came to the conclusion that maybe it isn't the right time... "we" just weren't working... no matter how we loved each other, there wasn't enough relationship time for us...

so that was that....

do I regret being with her? absolutely not... it was one of the best things in my life for a long time... but it just isn't so anymore... and that's the sad and painful truth.... nevertheless, I'm okay.... and I hope she is too... after all, may pinagsamahan naman kami...

and so its done... the end... at least that chapter is...

I just felt like sharing... because I want to let it out...

who knows? like they always say...
"when God takes away something, it only means He has something better to give..."

until next time...

Friday, April 28, 2006


juxtapose it relevantly pare... and roll it out properly... because we do not exist in a void...
for the Truth will set you free...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

now what?

I have absloutely no idea what to do...

I'm like a nomad of life... just drifting... aimless...

So much to juggle, with so little to juggle it with...

the paradoxes... due diligence... paradigm shifts ablaze...


poetry poetry....

permanent family?

what's the difference between what is broken
and what is whole?
is it

the sunday morning walks?
the father kissing the mother before
going to sleep at night
opening presents
on Christmas morning, the memory
of Mother and the Santa
by the christmas tree

the child doesn't know
not until
the family is gone
the hen has fled the coop
the marriage bed gone cold

what do they care?
a future has been broken.

"Family Planning"
-9:54 AM

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Tue, Aug. 17th, 2004, 09:23 pm
Waiting in Earnest

I've been waiting in earnest
Since daybreak today
to see you
Last night I was sleepless
like the nights before
Anxiously waiting
to see you
I ask myself why
I have this yearning
to see you
I dream
About the things I want to say
I think
About the things we will do
I smile
When I turn my thoughts
to the laughs that we will share
I sigh
With just the thought
That I would get
To see you

How I spent my birthday

hello again boys and girls...

it's the weekend and I just celebrated my birthday...
I'd have to say that its one of my most interesting ones so far...

it started exactly at midnight of the 21st and continued on to the end of the day... and boy how it started... ^_^

Loree and I went inside Starbucks because I told her that I didn't want to spend my birthday on the street in a jeepney... I was with Loree by the way because we were accomplishing our clearance forms at work... anyways, we just sat there for 5 minutes and stared at my watch until the clock struck 12... ^_^

then we went to Greenbelt... We originally planned to just eat at some restaurant in Greenbelt, but as luck would have it, the only place open was Burger King and Bubba Gumps... I didn't want to spend my birthday at BK, and I'm allergic to shrimp... so that was that... nice...

add to that the fact that we had to go around Greenbelt 1 to get to Greenbelt 3 because there was a construction thing going on where people usually pass through to get there... There we were, walking the deserted nighttime streets of Makati on my 22nd birthday, and amazingly, we were actually having fun!

so we finally got to GB3... well guess what... the ticket booths were already closed! I forgot that tickets should be bought earlier even if the movie is shown at 1am... so the movie thing was scrapped...

so we went down to the ground floor... and what a sight! Cafe Havana was overflowing with people! what in the world is going on? we asked ourselves... so we went inside... the music was pounding, and the people were laughing, and I said to Loree, "tara, dito na lang... ^_^"

and so we stayed... ^_^ we ordered Calamares, and two beers... the waitress offered us the "Drink of the Month", and because it was my birthday, we ordered that as well... ^_^

we stayed at Cafe Havana until around 3 in the morning, just hanging out, and talking... then I took Loree home...

Then I remembered, I have to go to school at 9am! So, bleary eyed and tired, I went to class until 12 noon, had lunch with my friends, and went home...

Later that night, my dad, my sister and I went to this local steak and burger joint to meet up with my friends to continue my birthday celebration... I had rib eye, my sister had a pork slab, my dad had a T bone, and my best friend had a lamb steak... it was really good.. ^_^ The rib eye was well done, and there was a lot of butter, and the corn was sweet, it was great!

So we stayed there and drank a few beers, hung out, and just talked about future plans... my dad was there, and that made everything all the more special because he just came home from baguio and I haven't seen him in about a year...

text messages from friends abound, and Joe gave me a mouse for my laptop, Eliza gave me a letter (as always)... then the clock struck 12, and so ended my birthday...

we walked home that night... my friends, and my family...

it was simple, but it was one of my happiest birthdays... mainly because of the great beginning... ^_^

makes me wonder how the next one will turn out...

well, just wanted to share... till next time.. ^_^


Monday, April 17, 2006

Holy Matrimony!

hello again boys and girls... miss me? probably not.

I've been away from the world for about a week or so... I was at wedding land... the land of flowers and veils and candles and bad food, worse music, great drinks (Alfonso I any one?), sleepless nights and mind-blowing, energy-draining, tongue-in-cheek wedding coordinators who apparently don't coordinate very well...

No, I was not the one who got married... thank GOD! My beloved playboy uncle who shocked us all with the news that he's FINALLY settling down... and I'm so very happy for him...

I played the role of secondary sponsor... the guy who puts the cord around his neck, symbolizing that he is forever "tied" to his wife... (if you ask me, it was like placing a noose around his neck ^_^)

Then I became the assistant of the wedding coordinator... GAWD!

Imagine this: I was in three piece suit, under the hot summer sun, walking around with a box of posies, distributing them to people I don't know, sweating like a pig being roasted in Cebu, going to and from the church because we had to do an "entrance" while my partner (who seemed like such a bitch) rolled her eyes upon seeing me because my hair was a mess and my face was sweating from the heat and all the walking around.

The wedding was nice though... it was simple, it was elegant, and it was on Easter!

Then came the reception... I planned to change clothes before the reception because I was emceeing it at the insistence of my uncle (the groom)... but lo and behold! we had to do another "entrance" and I was not allowed to change clothes... so there I was, under the cruel lens of the camera crew, still sweating from the heat of the unventilated hallway, doing an "entrance"...

A lot of other stuff that I don't want to talk about anymore happened after that... Needless to say, I was glad that it was over, and got myself happily drunk courtesy of my good friend, Alfonso I... ^_^

In all seriousness though, I loved the wedding. I loved the fact that my uncle was finally getting married. I almost cried at the wedding... but it wouldn't look good for a guy in a three-piece suit to go bawling out in a church full of people he doesn't even know... so I held back my tears, and rejoiced in the fact that my beloved uncle is getting hooked... ^_^

It made me wonder about my wedding... what would look like? where will it be? will it be as chaotic?

Who will be my bride?

I don't know yet... I guess we'll just see won't we?

later kids... ^_^ ciao...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

where was I?

how do I let the feelings that so consume me out in the open?

how do I let go of the past that so haunts me?

am I forever stuck in this place of confusion? like a soul drifting in Limbo?

where do I find the peace that I so yearn for?

where have you been all this time? why only now have you made yourself known to me?

why can I not let this go? ye Gods! like Shakespeare's Romeo, I am fortune's fool!

sunlight... where are you? sunlight... where are you?

here we go again...

what?! me? blogging? OMG!!

The last time I started something like this, I was in a different world.... Now I'm in the world of call centers and the Makati morning pedestrian life... etc... in other words, I'm working now...

I'm working and studying at the same time and I love it!

I gotta go do something else right now, but I'll be back...

There's another reason why I'm doing this again, but that's a different story for a different time... till then,

Au revoir boys and girls...